Monday, February 20, 2012


This man, Joel Olsteen, was preaching to me this morning! I've recently had to LET GO of a whole lot in my life, from bad habits and certian so-called friends, to music industry job opportunities that I thought I really wanted, to a "boyfriend" who I was starting to feel was doing nothing but on a path to destroying me emotionally.

With the help of God giving you strength and discernment, you just have to deal with these things because they are keeping you from being your best. Dealing with "it" can be an addiction, a bad habit, or having a hot temper or it could be something smaller as just treating people right and not going off on someone when you really want to. When God elevates us to new heights, our flesh has to descend. Scripture says that to share in Christ's glory, we also have to share in his suffering. Translation, Peter 1:4 says, "to put aside wrong desires and resisting temptation." For example, bite your tongue when you'd much rather curse someone out. Forgive someone who's hurt you. (Amen!) It doesn't "feel" good, but feelings are also of the flesh. You must suffer through that period in order to get better at resisting temptation. Walk away from people who have done you wrong. When God moves you away from something, He moves you towards something better.

If you're willing to suffer through not getting your way, then as you mature and grow, you are also building your spiritual character. You will have peace. Practicing this, learning to obey and let go, I have peace with my mind, body and soul. Ask God for discipline, starve the flesh and choose the spiritual growth. Be victorious and deal with it.


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