Friday, February 3, 2012

The Bold Prayer

You can't reach your highest potential in your own ability. God has to open the right doors and connect you to the right people. A lot of times we pray "get by prayers," ie. Lord, help me to endure this sickness or Lord, keep my child out of trouble. There's nothing wrong with that, BUT God is moved by our faith. If you ask small, you will receive small.

Matthew 9:29 says, "According to your faith it will be done unto you." 

Here is the difference between small prayers and BOLD prayers:

Small Prayer: God, help me to pay my bills this month.
Bold Prayer: Help me to not only pay my bills this month, but to have plenty left over to help someone else!

Small Prayer: Lord, keep my child out of trouble.
Bold Prayer: God, let my child become a leader and allow him to fulfill his divine purpose, his destiny.

Small Prayer: God, help me to endure sickness.
Bold Prayer: Father I want to thank you that I'm coming through this sickness and better off than I was before!

You want to see the greatness of God? Ask him to do something BIG in your life that you can not achieve on your own. Stretch your faith and when your needs are supplied ask for increase so that you can help someone else. If your business is doing well, ask God for increase and overflow so you can help the nations.

Psalm 81:10 says, "Open your mouth wide and I will fill it."
Luke 12:32 says, "It is the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
Psalms 2:8 says, "Ask of me and I'll give you the nations as an inheritance."

As long as your dream is ultimately tied to helping others, there are no limitations. Your prayer should be "God bless me so that I may be able to be a blessing to others." It doesn't have to be practical, logical or reasonable. All you have to do is BELIEVE.

This is a JUICE motivational moment with teachings courtesy from Joel Olsteen ministries.


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