Monday, March 26, 2012

Kingdom Keys to a Successful Relationship by Dr. Myles Munroe

Kingdom Keys to a Successful Relationship from "Kingdom Laws for Kingdom Living" by Dr. Myles Munroe

In this video, Dr. Munroe touches on the secret to the kingdom's perspective on relationships, God's restoration through the institution of the home. He mentions that only dogs move from "puppy to puppy," that we have become confused as humans, as if we are in "heat." He states that the greatest source of frustration, joy and pain is love and relationships. 

Living together, not under holy matrimony, causes you to live on a time bomb. Stress is the number one cause of diseases. There is nothing more stressful than going  home to more stress in a co-habitation state: intimacy without commitment, having babies but no legal rights to the money, prenuptial agreements, no trust, but you want love. He states that you cannot go any further in this year (2012) until you get this right. We need to get back to God's authority in relationships.

You are full of hurt because you gave someone your mind, body and time under a common law: no commitment, no love and no dedication. He says, "If sex is love, no one has more love than a prostitute." Marriage is designed to meet the needs of the human spirit, such as mutual respect, belonging, and importance. The key to all inter-personal relationships is the quality of your intra-personal relationships. He says, "If you don't like you, you cannot love me!"  The foundation for loving others is to first love yourself. He says that you are your own sun. Your spouse is their own sun, so when the two get together, you can then create a constellation. 

Singleness is the most important state of human development. Singleness is the foundation of God's design for the human family. He says, "Diamonds are never found on top of the ground, just rock. If they're easy to find, run." He states in the bible that he who finds a wife, finds a good thing. God developed the individual first to have a complete total wholeness. 

He mentioned there are 12 advantages to singleness. Seven of those are: managing your time, managing your priorities, managing your friendships, managing your space, managing your relationships, managing your life's purpose, and managing your intellectual development. You are not ready to live with anyone else until you can live with your own self. Your relationship can only be as successful as your singleness. God will never chose your mate, He will only give you prospects.

He went on to talk about LOVE. The greatest danger of love is when you simplify it, saying, "I Love You." What exactly does love mean? There are four kinds of love: brotherly love (Philio), fleshly love (Eros), friendship love (Sterego), and divine Godly love (Agape). Most of the time when a man says, "I Love You," he's referring to fleshly love. Love is an act of the will. Love is a choice. It is not an emotion. Love is the response to understanding the value of a thing. If it is valuable, you will not compromise it. Love is a force generated by a decision. Love can decide to love a person who hates them. You can reference God's law on love in the bible by reading John 13:34-35 and Romans 13:8.

Watch the full length video.


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