Saturday, March 17, 2012

God's Perspective from a Bird's Eye View

In the valleys you find humility and in the mountains you gain prospective. Bishop Bronner's message "The Favor of God" came on my playlist as I was on my flight to Atlanta. I was looking out the window, seeing the hills and valleys. It was a beautiful day out. The sun was shining bright and sky was blue. The clouds were pure white. This message literally and figuratively put my life into perspective for me yesterday. God is greater than anything on earth. We are so small compared to Him, just like we look at ants, but God loves us all the same. God wants us to have what He has and live in His kingdom. As I was looking out at the heavenly clouds, bodies of water, valleys and hills, I was thinking to myself, WOW I want ALL of this. I want God's kingdom. He has already promised it all this to us, but He's looking for those with humility that He can trust with His favor to put into position. He wants us to be blessed, but He wants us to bless others as we're blessed. As I was looking out that plane's window, I was thinking, wow, if everyone on earth could have humility and faith in God and live by His word, how better and good this world would be.

I almost had to cancel this business trip. The enemy was bust at work. I surrendered it over to God, but He made it happen at the last hour. When you have God's favor on your life and you live for His will, He puts you in the right place at the right time and equips you with everything you need, into position, to carry out the visions and missions He's placed on your heart. I believe I was supposed to be in the sky yesterday. I was supposed to be in that moment, looking down on earth from a bird's eye view while listening to Bishop Bronner's message. I was seeing God's creation from 30,000 feet in the air to gain perspective on His will for my life. What an amazing feeling that was! I felt the Holy Spirit speaking directly to me, sharing knowledge and wisdom of HOW to get closer to God. Everything that I've been praying for. It has truly strengthened me even more now. God has planned something GREAT for my life!

Testimony: My event did not get cancelled and I flew to Atlanta for FREE. Bonus: I met with RL of the R&B group Next the same night I flew into Atlanta. He flew to Houston today for a show, but expressed he wanted to make sure he met with me before he left. I'm a songwriter, but I do not have access to a reference singer nor a studio and I don't have my own studio equipment. He told me I can work at his studio when ever I want to and he's sharing knowledge and wisdom about recording and the business. He's also helping me to get over my phobia of singing and referencing my own songs. The beauty of it all, he was taught and brought up in the industry by music mogul Clive Davis. Clive Davis is responsible for our angel, Whitney Houston. #BOOM.... Who mad? lol



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