Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 5 - I'm An Artist: What Is MY Demographic?

Day 5 - Targeting a demographic isn't as hard as you think. You really just have to be true to who you are and your demographic comes to you. But, there is a strategic way to get this information and you must understand there is a difference between the terms "demographic," "niche market," and "target market." Your demographic are the quantifiable statistics of a given population. For example, a rap artist's demographic could be 60% men, 40% women, aged 18 - 35, 10% Hispanic, 60% African American, and 30% Caucasian. Demographic statistics are commonly used in public opinion poling and marketing. Demographical information is essential to marketing your music. 

Your niche market defines your demographic further. For example, Eminem fans may may purchase albums, versus singles, aged 18 - 29 who live in the United States versus, London. That's way more defined. 

Your target market is a group of individuals who share a common interest directly related to your music. For example, Lil Wayne has found a new group of fans in the skate boarding world. It could be directly related to his music or his Truck Fit clothing line, but he still has a specific target market of skateboarders who purchase his music and pay to see him perform. 

When you define and target your demographic, niche market and target market, you can now develop a marketing and PR strategy that will yield success and generate sales! We'll discuss that tomorrow. If you're wondering, "How in the hell do I get my hands on this information?," then submit for a one on one consultation at

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- Joy A. Young, CEO of J.Couture Productions

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