Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 13 - How Can I Measure My Online Presence?

Day 13 - It takes more than uploading music to build an online presence. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's organic search results. The higher ranked your search results, the more visitors your website will receive from search engine users. SEO targets different kinds of searches: image, local, video, academic, news and industry specific searches. If you have a budget for internet marketing, I would advise investing in a company or a freelancer who specializes in SEO. Reason being is, if someone does not know your direct url's, if they google search you, all your information will pop up and make it easy for them to find and follow you. 

Now that we can find you, let's talk about your social media presence! 1.) Make sure you are tagging your music with all relevant info so it comes up in your search results. 2.) Publish band info and tracks to all sites catering to musicians. 3.) Rotate new tracks in and out of sites to avoid stagnancy. 4.) Help fans find you online by making it easy for them. Do your part!

Also, keep track of what people are saying about you by creating a creative hash tag so you can follow the social conversation. They may not know your social media handles, but they may use your hash tags when posting about your music. Fans love when you retweet them and it's a great way to stay engaged. 

Artist Development Dedication 25 Day Brand Challenge
#ADD to your brand! #JCouturePR

- Joy A. Young, CEO of J.Couture Productions, L.L.C.

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