Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 12 - As an Artist, Why Do I Need A Social Media Presence?

Day 12 - As an artist, don't underestimate the importance of a social media presence to a digital publicity campaign. Two: reasons: all bloggers check out your social media presence as a filter of whom to and who not to consider for coverage. You need to consistently post and engage with your fans. They will want to share the feature with your following to help build the publication's following as well. Second reason, for a PR campaign to be 100% effective, each feature delivered needs to be properly leveraged through social media to mobilize the existing fan base. Each feature is now content you can use to engage with your fans without saying, "listen to my music." This is a much more subtle form of self-promotion. The six rooms of  your social media house should include Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, a blog and a newsletter. In upcoming days I'll discuss how often you should engage with your followers using your different social media platforms.

This is the Artist Development Dedication 25 Day Brand Challenge!

#ADD to your brand! #JCouturePR

- Joy A. Young, CEO of J.Couture Productions, L.L.C.

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